Dr. Lauren Gerber is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with 25 years of experience helping children, adolescents, and their families. Dr. Gerber’s private practice is now Telehealth, where she is able to help patients of all ages, who reside in the different states in which she is a Licensed Psychologist. Please click the contact link on the top of this home page to Book Online. Once you are directed to the online scheduling page, it has additional information about Dr. Gerber’s areas of specialty and whether she practices Telehealth in your state of residence.
Above is Dr. Gerber’s physical office space located in Florida. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, coupled with the CDC’s 2020 guidelines and recommendations for social distancing, and mask usage: Dr. Gerber has shifted from an in-person private practice to a virtual private practice utilizing a secure HIPAA compliant Telehealth platform where she continues to offer therapy to patients across the United States.
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